Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bugging Out.

So I've been having some discussions with the wife about prepping and I have to say I am extremely glad to have a wife that agrees with me on this and not one I have to hide things from. In fact, she gets more upset if I don't tell her what I buy because I think she just likes to know what we have. We have a lost of things prepared, but Bug Out Bags unfortunately isn't one of them that's ready yet. 

This lead me to another train of thought though. Those that prepare know that if the reason for needing those preps is a major life changing event for everyone, we're going to be a target. If I were stuck and had no food for my family, I can guarantee you the people walking down the road with full backpacks weapons are going to be a target for me to get food for my family. The question is, how do you bug out taking what you need including your weapons and draw as little attention to yourself as possible? If I needed to go, you can bet my 12ga and hunting rifle is going with me along with as much ammo as I can carry but I know that any law enforcement that might still be around isn't going to be pleased at a guy walking down the street with a shotgun slung over his shoulder. 

Is the answer to have your bugout location chosen well in advance with as much stuff buried as possible so you only need enough supplies to get there? You'll still want a weapon with you but it could be a handgun that is easily concealed. Do you say screw it and carry whatever you want and let them take it from you barrel end first?  

I don't have the answer here, it's something I'm still figuring out, but I know I see the world collapsing around us and while I wish it was different, I have a feeling a TEOTWAWKI situation is going to happen in my lifetime. I don't believe we're all going to be knocked back to the stone age but it't definitely going to be different than we know it now. 


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